Monday, November 8, 2010

"In Good Company"

Have you ever felt like everyone is just floating along the river of life, barely getting to know you, barely extending a conversation, barely giving a care? I feel like this world just may be too busy to have time to listen to a friend's story. How often do you offer a shoulder to cry on? How often do you get into a challenging conversation that draws you closer to knowing who you are, why you're here, and possibly closer to the God you haven't had much time for either?

When I get into a dry spell of life, a feeling of emptiness, loneliness and feeling like a failure.. I know I need to turn to the Lord. Thank God, by now, I have at least realized WHERE my hope comes from, even if I happen to lose it occasionally. I started questioning, is this what the rest of my life is going to be? This daily routine, EVERY day of my life?

It's easy to lose vision when you take your eyes off Jesus. It's easy to feel like you are unchangeable and stuck when you aren't moving forward in your walk. It's easy to feel like this is the best your life can get when you aren't hearing God's plans for your life.

I started making sure I was at church on Sunday and then CharlotteONE on Tuesday nights. The Lord began to speak to me again about my passion for people who can't find involvement. He stirs up my desires to see this generation and the ones to follow rise up and meet their savior. He makes me realize the need for Him in this city.

Now that I have a tiny miracle in my belly, a little gift that God is knitting together in my womb, I started recognizing the places I go, the people I'm with, the season I'm in, and the importance, yet temporariness of it all. I get so excited to know my baby is feeling the beats and music of God's people praising Him. I get overwhelmed that I am this child's shelter. I become more accountable knowing that what I do affects another. And that is why I can't forget my calling to lead others to Christ and a life of living holy.

I decided to re-start my girl's Bible study group and I joined a wives mentor group that happen to meet on the same night. This past thursday was the start for both of them, and I can't even begin to describe the purpose, the hope, the vision, the dedication the Lord restored to me, and in abundance!

The ladies I met with were like a breath of God. The potential friendships, the deepness, the honestness, was incredible. HERE are the people that will listen. HERE are the people that will pour their heart out and allow the tears to flow. HERE are the people that KNOW God is in control, but yet are vulnerable enough to share their struggles. I found encouragement. I found peace. I found a challenge for my walk. I found a group of believers that would lay hands on my belly and PRAY for my baby. I found people that CARED.

Again I have the urge to bring that type of friendship, that type of growth, that type of encouragement to anyone who wants it. I encourage all of you to seek out a group of believers that can pour into your soul and others that you can pour out on. 

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