Thursday, May 28, 2009 like your life and don't want to change?

The reason many people don't pursue a deeper relationship with Christ is because, honestly, they like their life. They don't want to change. They're happy with the way things are and they don't see a need for God. They think they can turn their life around later. They love the alcohol, the nights they can't remember, the late night dollar menu trying to sober up, the getting so high and laughing so hard, the waking up in the morning not remembering how you got home, the 'sex goddess' the hookup from the other night named you, the sexual fulfillment, the friends you made, the people you met, and I could go on and on. Sound familiar??

Things are working out fine for you.
Your not dead yet, you're "still young," you want the "experience," there's time to get your life together when you get older. I mean, you go to church on Easter and Christmas, right?
You're a "good person!"
So what is all the fuss about being a "Christian." "All the 'Christians' I know do the same things I do, so what's the difference?"
"God forgives!... right?"

First of all, just because I say I'm "Eva Mendez" doesn't make me her. Or if I say "I'm a model," it doesn't make me a model. Sure I can pose like one and take pictures like one, but I'm not a model. Bottom line: just because people SAY they're a "Christian" doesn't make them a Christian. AKA the people you see that are talkin the talk but aren't walkin the walk, are just as lost. I once heard, that if people REALLY came to know Christ, they would NEVER want to turn away.

Second of all, forgiveness should be followed by REPENTENCE aka hating what you did soooo much, that you never want to do it again; turning from that path to pursue another. There can be a time where God won't forgive you anymore. You can't keep taking advantage of God. He knows your heart. If you're asking forgiveness for the things and you're not really sorry, He knows.

I was up late last night thinking about how lost the world is, how people "play church" (as my pastor says), how close the end is coming, all the prophecies that are coming to pass, and how much potential is being lost by all the people who like their life the way it is.

I think people who like living in sin are ruled by FEAR.
"fear involves torment" (1John 4:18) aka worry; torture; suffering; mental distress
They are scared of unwanted pregnancy, yet they are scared to live a life of purity;
they are scared of a fatal car crash due to driving drunk, but they are scared to live a life of sobriety.
They are scared that if they don't get just a little more cocaine, they can't get through the pain,
yet they are scared to FEEL it temporarily in order to be healed.

They are scared of who they are when they are sober.
They are scared of what friends they would lose if they chose a different lifestyle.
They are scared of how much less "beautiful" and "confident" they would feel,
if they quit having sex with every guy that made them feel special.
They are scared of loneliness on the weekends and the parties they'd miss out on.
It is easier to keep living THAT life, than to change.
Staying the same requires nothing of you.

I finally started to notice that I liked myself better after a couple drinks. I would hear stories the next day about how funny I was, and the stupid things I did. I started to think that everyone liked me better when I wasn't sober. Guys liked girls better when they weren't saying "no" all the time. All these are lies from Satan.

He ultimately wants to destroy you, take your joy, and put you in your grave.
He wants to do everything he can to slowly turn up the heat, making you feel like you're not "so bad",
until you burn to death and never knew what hit you.

By now, you all know that I haven't been pursuing holiness and righteousness and desiring God forever... so I can relate! BUT I also know now, that I regret living THIS life sooner! In the end, EVERY knee will bow and EVERY tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.. you can wait and be put there by force or do it now, by choice. You may not really fully know if God is real, but if he wasn't, so what? Nothing happens to us. BUT if He is, and YOU'RE wrong, that's your ETERNITY.

I don't think people even know what heaven is really going to be like. I bet many picture getting wings, floating with a harp, singing hymns for a million years. The Bible says that:
"No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him" (1 Cor. 2:9).

Also, the Bible says that every good and perfect gift is from God. So think about the most beautiful thing on earth- it's nothing like what's in heaven. The happiest you ever felt... nope! Nothing like the feeling you will have up there... with NO MORE TEARS! The best party of your life?... Doesn't even compare to Heaven.

My pastor, Loran Livingston, told us a passage, last Sunday, about the curse of sin on this Earth. Even ALL of creation is covered by it. The verse says ALL CREATION groans (Romans 8:22) and eagerly awaits the Lord's return. Everything was made to glorify God, and creation can't even live up to their potential after the fall of mankind. Then Jesus will return making a new kingdom, lifting the curse of sin. We will finally see all of creation in its true beauty. The things we thought were beautiful, are not even close to their potential. We aren't going to be floating on a boring cloud... we are going to be living a brand new, evil-free, sin-free life!

Move from FEAR and into security. Have confidence in your sober self. Find love that lasts through the morning. You don't REALLY experience Life to its fullest without knowing the God who GAVE it to you! You were created to KNOW Christ and to MAKE HIM KNOWN... you are merely exisiting if you are not even TRYING to fulfill your purpose. Live CAREFREE before God. It is when you are pursuing righteousness, holiness, purity, and sobriety that you lose fear and truely ENJOY life to its fullest! Why boast in the temporary things of this world, when you could be storing up treasures in heaven (Matt. 6:20)!

I hope at some point in your life, you'll feel the water getting warm. I see so much potential for this generation! I wish I could sit down with every reader and tell you what you could do with your life that would bring more fulfillment than you could ever know! I wish that when people were looking for friends, they were looking for people that genuinely love them. I wish when people start realizing they like themselves better when they're on drugs or drunk, they would choose to drink from the Spirit of Life. I wish when girls wanted to feel beautiful, they could look to their Father. I wish people would look up, BEFORE they hit rock bottom!

But most of all, I wish people would take a good hard look at this life they think they like and evaluate if they REALLY do.
Evaluate the costs of giving up what you have
for the benefits of gaining something that you cannot lose!

(Matt. 16:26)

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