Friday, December 2, 2011

"What's the Reason we're opposing this again"

What's the reason we're opposing this again? Because the Bible said so. My heart hurts when I see people who proclaim themselves as Christians get all wishy-washy on subjects when it comes to voicing to the people or their friends. I understand that Hollywood and Washington make so many exceptions and glamorizes everything. They promote equality and being who you are, and pushing limits. If you're not careful, it becomes really easy to jump on the bandwagon and choose to promote these views yourself in fear of ruffling a few feathers that have the comments multiplying on your facebook statuses and blogs because people want to voice their opinion and take your words out of context.

I don't want to be who I am... I was born a sinner, separated from God, with tendencies to sin in many different ways. I have a sinful nature that likes to drink and lust and fill voids with addictions and lie and get angry, and many, many more. I have issues I have to fight and conquer over and over and over again. Issues that bring guilt and shame, feeling unworthy and ugly. If I stayed the way that I was, I would be dead and that is a fact. I wouldn't be the wife to an amazing husband or the mother of the most beautiful little girl. If God didn't rescue and restore me and turn me into something else... A new creation... I wouldn't be here.

Some of you don't know you need to be rescued. Some of you haven't been broken. Some of you have been putting bandaids over a giant open wound. Some of you have scars that never heal. Some of you have secret desires you can't put away. Some of you feel that it is easier to be the way that you are so you don't have to go "there." The more acceptable it becomes to be THIS way, the more you don't have to think about changing. You don't have to cry or get all gushy about it, you don't have to breakup with the love of your life, you don't have to sacrifice, you don't have to move, you don't have to step or sink or fall.

I was there (and still am for many things). I didn't want to be told I was sinning. I didn't want to have people "pray for me." I was doing what all the other teens/college students/ young adults were doing. And if you feel like you are living a "good" life, then maybe this isn't for you. Seriously, you don't have to read on. BUT, maybe this even strikes a little curiosity, a little anger perhaps? That's okay. I'm pretty sure anytime I was around a Christian/ someone wanting to pray for me/ a holy roller/ a goody-two-shoes/ (fill in the blank), I got so mad that they were condemning me or trying to make me feel bad. They didn't know what I had been through/ nor did they want to. They didn't care about me, just how my lifestyle affected their reputation. I wasn't ready. I was a single, independent sinner not ready for an everlasting love affair.

I don't want to be legalistic either. I don't want to say you can't do this, this or this and call yourself a child of God. I don't want to list a bunch of Bible verses that are meant to condemn you or your lifestyle. As far as I'm concerned, you can live any way you want to. Christians  children of the Lord have to stop condemning outsiders and pointing out their sins when it is convenient for us. Even though it may spur up anger, we can't go around commenting on everyones facebook posts. But we also can't be silent. You can't love people into heaven, but you can't shove them either.

This world is not ours.

Believers, everything should feel gross, should hurt your heart, should be disgusting... you should be seeing people be misled and finding happiness in darkness... why? because this is not our home. The Bible said that it would get worse. The filthier this world gets, the more we set our eyes above.

We're not studying the Word enough if we don't know where to stand. That is so true in many issues... we can "hear" how we should feel about an issue, but question if it is really in the Bible.

Stand firm, stand tall, Believer. But don't cast judgment on the outsiders (1cor. 5:12), we can only pass disciplinary judgment on those within the church. Like it here? Do you feel like the world is getting better? Where is your heart? Is it in your money, your home, your body, your rights, your freedom? That's fine, live the way you want to, marry whoever you please, party it up it's YOUR world... i'm merely passing by.

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