Monday, November 28, 2011

WHOA it's been a while!

So, I apologize for the long absence in blogging. I didn't want to write with hormonal outbursts, rants, or other trivial things while I was pregnant with our first baby, then I was overwhelmed with the role as a mommy. Now that our baby girl Kinsley is 6 months, and going to bed around 7:30pm, I am going to try to start it up again.

I admit I had been waiting for the "PERFECT" blog or idea the Lord laid on my heart, that would change people... but I've realized, if I'm waiting for the perfect message, I'll be waiting forever. So, I decided to just jump in and tell you just what the Lord is doing in my life.

My heart and passion is for teenage girls- no doubt about it! The Lord laid that desire on my heart and led me to trust Him that I would be working in ministry. I prayed about it constantly and though I would go through months of forgetting my calling, He would bring it back with an intense fiery passion.

I heard about this private school, Grace Academy, that originally supplemented homeschoolers and provided classes like fashion, sewing, and a girls Christian growth class. I KNEW without a doubt God was calling me there. I wrote many times to the school, filling out applications on a whim, and trying to get an "in" when I finally got called in for an interview.... for an assistant position in media. I had them in front of me at least, and poured out my heart to them. I shared my testimony, where I felt God was leading, and my desire to share with young girls. They totally saw that I was not meant for the position they called me to interview for, but also informed me they already had the Christian growth class filled. They offered some computer classes and math but I am not a "teacher" so I said I was not qualified to teach those. I didn't know computer or math, but I knew I wanted to minister.

They wanted to keep in touch and if the position became available, for some reason or another, they'd give me a call. Months went by and I can't remember if I did this before or after I had my baby, but I knew I needed to have some supplemental income and I looked to see at the positions still available at Grace. They had a Graphic Design position available, and since I'm artsy and I know Photoshop, I applied.

Before I knew it, I was signing a contract to teach graphic and web design classes twice a week. That was so God. I had 3 months at home with Kinsley, and then started school at the end of August. Over and over again God was teaching me that He doesn't call the qualified, but He qualifies the called.

October came and I found out that the Christian growth teacher is now PREGNANT, and leaving on maternity leave in February. I headed straight to the office and offered to fill in. I was OVERJOYED and KNEW it was the Lord. They also told me that she was staying home with the baby and not coming back next year.... WHOA! I start subbing Jan. 31 and they hope to move me right into that position! Now THAT is FAITH!

I'm going to start blogging more since I will be more involved with the students and learning new material. If you are a teen or a mom of a teen, or even a friend of a teen, PLEASE ANONYMOUSLY  write a comment below letting me know some topics I could base my lesson plans off of... areas of temptation, struggles, questions, etc. That would be awesome! Looking forward to furthering the Kingdom!

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