Thursday, May 20, 2010


I'm watching "Facing the Giants," and as I come to tears, I realize one big thing... that God wants us to be content. He wants us to be faithful to him no matter what. He wants us to be okay with the yeses AND the no's. He wants us to love Him for giving us things and even when they are taken away. He wants us to say "I'll still love you."

It's amazing how many times we ask God for things or outcomes and we don't get it. We think because that dream has vanished, that opportunity passed, that relationship failed, etc that it's never going to happen. We think that's the end. We get angry, we get sad, we fall away, our hearts turn cold, or we give up on asking when God is really just seeing if we'll still love Him and if we'll be satisfied in Him alone.

I don't know how many times I did this same thing when I was younger. I didn't get my way or that toy or that wish and I threw a fit- an all out tantrum. I would slam doors, yell things I didn't mean, or become rigid and cold. SOMETIMES my parents had all intentions of GIVING me what I wanted or asked for, and sometimes a no meant no. What does it show about our attitude and hearts if we throw a hissy fit when God postpones the answer or shuts a door? What does it say about our faithfulness to God when we don't get what we asked for and we start putting boundaries on our trust and limits on God's abilities?

In the movie a guy refers to two farmers who prayed for rain, but only ONE prepared his fields for it. Then asks, "which one do you think had more faith?" If we focus so much on what God DIDN'T DO, we lose sight of what he's gonna do! And if we don't prepare for him to work through our lives and BELIEVE that He will, our faith may hinder us from seeing and experiencing Him fully.

God truly wants the BEST for us. God truly is the god who can turn death into life. God truly is the God who can move mountains. So who are we to undermine His plan and to get angry or upset when something we want is not in His will?

If we become content with the "no's," if we become okay with the "wait's," if we surrender what we think is best and honestly give him control... we will find God working in miraculous ways! It's just part of his plan. How much greater is the birth of a baby from a woman who was pronounced barren, how much more joy comes from a win after a lengthy series of losses, how much encouragement comes from hearing the weak overcoming, the anxious finding peace, the lonely finding love, the destroyed finding hope, the debtors finding financial freedom, etc.

I just encourage you to not get so down that you lose sight of God and how big of a god He is. And when you're asking God, prepare for the yes and the no, but also remember that Nothing is final with a God that GREAT. Nothing is over with a God that has a big plan for your life. Nothing is broken, used, or missing that God can't restore. Become content, that God will take care of you either way!

1 comment:

  1. Brittany, you are such a beautiful writer. I hope you are content. This was an encouragement for me because it's hard for me to wait for answers. Love ya, Donna
