Monday, April 5, 2010

God's still Got it

Easter service was amazing! Gathering with 11,000 other people at Bobcats arena was a true testament that God is STILL saving people!

Standing there, music loud, hands raised and tears streaming down my face, I was overjoyed.
I cried because people were getting baptized and professing their faith...
I cried because thousands of people were singing to the One who died for them...
I cried because people performing, had found their TRUE self in Christ...
I cried because families were brought together- MY family, and I became sooo thankful they'll be there in heaven, too.
I cried because there are STILL people that NEED Christ, still people are WANTING to hear about the lover of their soul, still people that want freedom, still people that are moved by the Spirit, still people that get excited about the plans that He has for them.


I realized how sometimes we focus on our tiny surroundings and think that people have turned a deaf ear to us. We think God has given up. We think that this generation is headed to hell and no one wants to hear about Jesus. BUT then, in that arena, I realized that God is still calling people to himself. He is still giving people hope. He is still mighty to save! He hasn't given up on his children! He's still mending hearts and healing the broken, still setting the captives free!

I realized that everyone that surrenders to God's will, finds themselves. God truly uses your unique talents and desires to further his kingdom. The band still can dress punk-rockish or classy or have crazy hair or play an instrument or sing a song and God can use THAT for his kingdom. You don't have to fit a certain mold or be someone you're not to do something for God. You can take whoever you are, whatever background you have and be a disciple for Him! If you had an abortion, were raped at a young age, became a young single mom, faced death, had a drug addiction, ran from the Lord, etc God CAN USE YOU! He has given you a story to tell- a mountain to climb... a testimony to tell. And you will feel more ALIVE when you let him use you. You have a place and a purpose SOMEWHERE in the kingdom, doing something GREAT that affects eternity! Yes, YOU!

I realized how lucky I am to KNOW that my family and my fiance will welcome me into heaven, or I will welcome them. My awareness is heightened to the fact that many families are divided, God is absent, and their eternity is unsure. I hope that everyone can start seeing their family is their number one ministry! That you can't give up! And that if your family is walking with the Lord, then to take your ministry further! Expand beyond the home! Reach out to the community and be flexible in where God wants you.

Easter is more than a reminder that Jesus died so that we could be saved, but a bigger reminder that He is STILL saving and He is coming again!

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