Thursday, August 27, 2009

"Wasted Years"

Growing up, we think it is ridiculously hard being a good christian. It's difficult even as we are older to preach and teach "Holy living" to younger people because even though we know WHY we SHOULD, we can't imagine ourselves at that age living the way we are telling them to live.

We say well the Bible says "this" about dating, says "that" about partying, says "this" about gossip and the way that we treat others... but in the back of our mind, we think, 'gosh, there is NO way I could have let that love go, or avoided that invitation, or not drank at that bar, or not gone to that party.

We think that it will be easier to live Holy when you don't have so much "peer pressure." They are just living in the moment, being young, and having the high school or college "experience." Right?

I heard a line in a song today that spoke directly to my spirit about this subject. How can we possibly expect people [still in school] to pursue Holy Living? Because of this verse from Chris Tomlin's "This is Our God":

"A refuge for the poor,
a shelter from the storm: this is our God.
And He will wipe away your tears,
and return your wasted years: this is our God."

He will RETURN OUR "WASTED" YEARS.... To me, this can mean SO much. For the students thinking that sitting at home on a Friday night is wasting a good time or you feel so BORED....or if you feel like you're "missing out" and you have "no friends" that will not party with you... or if you feel like you're not having fun living "Holy"... STICK IT OUT! God will RETURN the years you think are WASTED! He will bless you MORE for being faithful. You see the people living the "good life", but if you cling to the fact that HIS will is BEST, you will find the BETTER LIFE, the life more fulfilling, more abundant, more purposeful!

I also see this relating to people who think that their life has been a waste. They think they've spiraled out of control and they think it's hopeless wanting to get back on track. Or people who think that they could never change, if only these "Christians" knew what I've BEEN THROUGH, they would see how HARD it is to CHANGE. Or people who have lost their job, been to the bottom of the bottom, lost their marriage, lost their friends, have no church, or worked SO hard to get to a dead end.... GOD will return your wasted years! He can take your mess, your past, your pain and bring healing and restoration and purpose! He will pick you up from where you are, lavish his love on you, and give you the strength to press on! The light is coming! The end is near! His blessings are JUST around the corner for a heart that holds on!

Pursue God, pursue righteousness, pursue Holiness. Let God take control of your life now and forever, and WHATEVER you go through know that He won't let you down- Heaven will be WORTH whatever you go through on Earth! You will be BLESSED and God WILL return your wasted years.

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